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Our Services
Internet Services  

Ezweb Wireless offers clients the opportunity to experience the Power of broadband Internet access. We are committed to eliminating the frustration, the poor service and the excessive costs experienced by subscribers of most ISPs in the market today. Exploit the competitive and financial advantages offered by a cost effective and reliable Internet Access solution.

Ezweb Wireless delivers a customer focused, high quality, high speed, reliable broadband service that enables business clients and residential customers to unleash the full potential of the Internet in a cost efficient manner whether it is for business, educational, entertainment, eCommerce, eGovernment or eBusiness purposes
Internet Access Options  
Ezweb offers a wide range of service options to cater for all segments of the Market. Our flexible service offering has been packaged to enable you choose the service that will meet your financial and bandwidth requirements.  
Wifi Hotspot Internet Token Service for Hotels/Apartments/Estates
  • Various Internet Access Tokens(1hr to 720hrs valid for up to 1 month)
Residential Internet Service
  •  Residential Light (Shared 512/512 kbps
Cooperate Internet Service
  • SME Shared (Shared 512/512 kbps
  • Dedicated Internet Circuits from 256 kbps to 7mbps

Suite 7, Tadet Plaza, By Sasun Roundabout, Peter Odili Road, Trans Amadi,Port Harcourt. (+234)-818-613-3131 email-